Subdural Hematoma

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Los Angeles Subdural Hematoma Injury Attorney

Subdural Hematoma InjuryMany injuries can manifest if you have experienced severe head trauma. One common, and potentially fatal, head injury is a subdural hematoma. When you have a subdural hematoma, excess blood pools in layers of tissue that surround the brain, resulting in excess pressure on the organ. Left untreated, a subdural hematoma can have life-altering consequences. In some cases, it can be fatal.

Have you recently sustained a head injury and subdural hematoma because of a Los Angeles accident? If someone else is responsible, you have the right to file a personal injury claim for damages. The money you recover can help to cover medical costs, make up for lost wages, and help you cope with the trauma of your injury. Contact the Los Angeles subdural hematoma injury attorneys at Citywide Law Group to find out how we can help you maximize your recovery. We offer a free consultation, so do not hesitate to call for help today.

Signs and Symptoms of a Subdural Hematoma

A subdural hematoma occurs when blood vessels along the surface of the brain rupture, often as a result of severe trauma. The blood then pools between layers of tissue that surround the brain. As the blood pools, it presses against the skull and creates pressure on the brain itself.

If you have been in an accident, fallen, or the victim of assault is it important to know the signs and symptoms of an intracranial brain bleed. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you notice of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness, or
  • Seizures.

Acute vs. Chronic Subdural Hematoma

Will you exhibit symptoms of a subdural hematoma right away after an accident? Not necessarily. There are two types of subdural hematoma injuries.

Acute: Acute subdural hematoma occurs when blood vessels rupture quickly and create pooling in your skull almost immediately after a traumatic event. You are more likely to experience signs and symptoms of an intracranial brain bleed if you suffer an acute subdural hematoma injury.

Chronic: Chronic subdural hematoma occurs when blood vessels rupture slowly over time. As a result, the pooling of blood in the tissue surrounding your brain develops at a slower rate. You are more likely to experience symptoms hours or even days after trauma if you suffer a chronic subdural hematoma injury.

Causes of a Subdural Hematoma in Los Angeles

Any traumatic event involving a blow to the head can cause a subdural hematoma. This includes accidents as well as intentional acts of harm. At Citywide Law Group, our attorneys are prepared to help you recover compensation for a subdural hematoma injury following a:

Call our experienced personal injury lawyers today to schedule your free consultation.

Treatment for Subdural Hematoma Injuries

While minor subdural hematoma injuries may resolve on their own, serious injuries will probably require surgical intervention. The type of surgery that will be used to treat your subdural hematoma will depend on its location, the amount of blood, and how much pressure is being exerted on the brain.

Treatments for subdural hematoma can include:

  • Burr holes (a small hole is drilled in the skull and blood is suctioned out)
  • Craniotomy (a section of the skull is removed for a short period of time to allow the brain to swell without added pressure); or
  • Craniectomy (a section of the skull is removed for a lengthy period of time to reduce pressure and allow the brain to swell without causing further damage).

Complications of a Subdural Hematoma in Los Angeles

Without medical treatment, a subdural hematoma can have very traumatic consequences. It is often these consequences that are fatal or leave victims with lifelong injuries. If a subdural hematoma is not diagnosed or treated, you may be at risk of developing:

  • Seizures
  • Brain edema
  • Brain death
  • Coma
  • Permanent physical impairment
  • Cognitive disabilities
  • Infection, and more.

Have you suffered a subdural hematoma because of a Los Angeles accident? Contact our attorneys for help. We will fight to recover compensation for any harm you have experienced.

Damages Available to Subdural Hematoma Injury Victims

The costs of a subdural hematoma can be overwhelming. Medical bills will add up quickly. If you’re forced to miss time at work, lost income will only make your financial situation more difficult. Filing a personal injury lawsuit to recover damages may be the best option for getting the money you need.

Our subdural hematoma injury attorneys will pursue both economic and non-economic damages on your behalf. Economic damages help to compensate for financial costs related to your accident and injury. Examples include medical bills, lost wages, and disability. Non-economic damages help you cope with the physical and emotional consequences of your injury. Example include pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and loss of enjoyment of life.

We work closely with experts to make sure that (a) all of your damages are identified and (b) those damages are valued properly. We’ll approach the negligent party with hard evidence and the support of experts. This will make it difficult for them to walk away without offering a fair settlement offer.

Hiring an Attorney Will Help You Maximize Your Award

When you suffer a traumatic head injury and brain bleed it’s important to focus on your recovery. The last thing you need to do is deal with the stress of a lawsuit. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney to handle your case will:

  • Give you the time and energy needed to focus on getting better, and
  • Increase the chances of maximizing your financial settlement or award.

At Citywide Law Group, our attorneys are prepared to fight for the money you deserve. Here’s what you can expect when you hire our experienced legal team to handle your case:

  • We will hold insurance companies and/or negligent parties responsible for harm
  • We will protect you from tactics and techniques used by insurers to reduce your recovery
  • We will pursue money from anyone who contributed to your accident
  • We will work with experts to make sure that your case is valued properly, and
  • We will find evidence to limit your role in the accident, which will help increase your recovery.

If you’re not satisfied with the settlement offers you receive we will not hesitate to take your case to court. You only have a limited amount of time to act, so call us for help today.

Call Our Los Angeles Subdural Hematoma Attorneys Today

Have you suffered an intracranial brain bleed because of a Los Angeles accident? Is someone else responsible? Contact Citywide Law Group to learn about the benefits of filing a personal injury lawsuit for damages. The money you get can be incredibly helpful as you fight to recover from your traumatic subdural hematoma injury. Call us today to schedule your free consultation and learn more.